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#HomeopathyMondays: Coughs

New year, same health issues. Winter breeds colds, flu and other hybrid issues that all bring coughs to the forefront.

So what can homeopathy bring to your home medicine kit for coughs? Here are some lesser used remedies with some affinity for coughs and respiratory issues...

One of the top cough/respiratory remedies is Lobelia Inflata, or Indian tobacco. It carries a special affinity for labored breathing, especially with sweating.

Mentally the Lobelia mindset is closed and serious, anxious about overall health, shortness of breath can create a panic issue.

Physically, there is a dry mouth without thirst, hyperventilation, respiratory distress but lungs still sound clear, nausea and vomiting with relaxation of muscles and excess saliva production.

Lobelia is a main remedy for those with a history of pleurisy and pneumonia.

Next on our list is Rumex Crispus, or Yellow Dock. This remedy lends itself best toward those with excess mucus and coughing. Think dry, tickling coughs, such as croup and pertussis. excessive mucus in the upper airways and thickened mucus in the larynx. Cold air causes a tickle in the throat that quickly moves into a cough.

In general, coughs form with little things...breathing in, talking, laughing. You notice an increase in coughing i the mornings or around 11pm. Touching or applying pressure on the throat causes cough to worsen.

Respiratory issues with hay fever? Runny nose and eyes? Try Euphrasia, or Eyebright. Physically you will notice acrid tears, thin discharge from eyes and nose, deep expectoration of offensive mucus. With irritated eyes you'll notice a dislike of bright indoor or outdoor lights and an increase in blinking. You'll find you cough more in the daytime, and then upon lying down in the evening. Notes: it's hard to get warm, you feel chilly for no reason. You may notice allergic asthma episodes.

Homeopathic remedies come from a variety of sources, some more unusual than others.

Take Spongia Tosta, tincture of toasted sponge, for example. With a theme you'd expect...dryness...Spongia is a good for the heart, nerves, and coughs.

Mentally, there is a fear of heart disease, suffocation, and several undefined fears. The character trait is reserved, they prefer not to talk much, they tend toward alternating moods

Physically, there is a constriction or tickling and dryness in the throat. Your cough sounds like a saw going thru wood, or the bark of a seal (think bronchitis); you want warm drinks; there is a pain from coughing, talking, swallowing, and you feel the frequent urge to clear your throat.

You will notice hoarseness, goiter or thyroid conditions, asthma, angina pectoris, cardiac valve disorders, palpitations, notably before menses, or lying down; There may be inflammation or swelling.

Spongia is a first line croup remedy.

Another sponge remedy with an affinity to respiratory issues is Badiaga, or River Sponge. One keynote is cough and palpitation following pleasurable emotions. There is generally forceful expectorations with this cough, s ouch so there can be a neurological component with sudden, recurring eye pain that extends to the forehead. You may notice inflammation of the tonsils, especially when swallowing solids.

This is also a first line remedy for syphillis in infants in under-developed countries.

Drosera, Round-Leaved Sundew...affinity for respiratory organs, bones, larynx, chest and glands. This character trait is one of being easily angered, delusions of being persecuted, anxiety when alone, restlessness.

There is a violent cycle of coughing, often with the inability to catch your breath to the point of becoming cyanosis; vomiting from coughing; painful cough where chest needs pressure due to the discomfort of the cough.

Coughs are worse after midnight, while lying down, in warm rooms, while talking, eating cold food, laughing, and despite rest.

Coughs are better with chest pressure, open air, with walking, with motion, and while sitting up.

Think Pertussis and Whoppibg Cough.

Stannum or Tin, coughs affecting the mucus membranes and chest. The theme is extreme weakness, feeling sad and weepy with illness.

Physically, pain will increase and decrease gradually with neuralgia increasing gradually. Respirations are difficult when walking, experiencing difficult breathing with weakness and shortness of breath, leaving and empty and hollow feeling in the chest. This generalized weakness extends to even low levels of exertion (such as talking),

And lastly for our list, Coccus Cacti or Tincture of dried insects that feeds on cactus. Coughing from a tickling or other irritation in the throat, producing heavy thick, rope-like mucus, often alongside retching and vomiting. Typically comes on as seasons change into winter months, the cough is worse at 6am, 11 or 11:30pm, and worse in warm rooms or with warm food or drink. There is improvement with drinking cold drinks or being in the open air.

Whopping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis.



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